

Whether your proofing need is for digital production or print, I will review your entire manuscript, looking for typos, spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and inconsistency in conventions (names, capitalization, and italicization). I’m also looking to match up citations, tables, cross-references, and numerical order of illustrations. I know to keep my eyes peeled for printing errors, word stacks, and bad hyphenation. This is the final check of all the little details that matter so much.


I’ve worked on dissertations, essays, monographs, novels, short stories, exhibition catalogs, and books of essays. My goal is to have a light touch, but to be sure to catch and fix errors and infelicities of word choice, grammar, sense, logic, overall flow, feel, and tone. I fix the small things, suggest solutions for the slightly trickier passages, and query anything particularly confusing. I also conduct a basic fact-check for every project and assemble a style sheet that can be used for proofing and indexing. Every copyediting project includes a full round of review, so that you can feel certain and solid about the edited work.


I am proficient at assembling high-quality indexes, to the best academic standards. What’s more—I love this work and find it deeply satisfying. I begin with the style sheet from your editor, ask you to supply a short list of additional important topics and clarify cross-references, and then quickly but meticulously comb the manuscript, find the entries, organize the headings and subheadings, and edit and proof my work. When I’m done, you will have an essential tool to assist your readers and ensure that they are best able to use your book.


I’ve prepared presentations, drafted speeches, created promotional materials, and high-profile websites. Very occasionally, I write short texts with my own byline. I enjoy researching a topic and finding a way to make it cogent, relevant, and part of a persuasive argument.

Other Services

I am also available for research assistance, copyright permissions, fact-checking, developmental editing, and translation from German to English. Please get in touch with specific goals, if your current project fits these criteria. Further, I’m happy to refer you to good, trusted friends in publishing—from experienced translators to editors with a track record of getting projects from idea to proposal to agency-ready manuscript.


2015The Physicist & The Philosopher: Einstein, Bergson, and the Debate That Changed Our Understanding of Time

Jimena Canales.
Princeton University Press.

2014Return to the Land of the Head Hunters: Edward S. Curtis, the Kwakwaka’wakw, and the Making of Modern Cinema.

Edited by Brad Evans and Aaron Glass.
University of Washington Press.

2012Surrealism in Latin America: Vivísimo Muerto.

Edited by Dawn Ades, Rita Eder, and Graciela Speranza.
Getty Research Institute.

2012Farewell to Surrealism: The Dyn Circle in Mexico.

Annette Leddy and Donna Conwell, Introduction by Dawn Ades.
Getty Research Institute.

2010G: An Avant-Garde Journal of Art, Architecture, Design, and Film, 1923-1926.

Edited by Detlef Mertins and Michael W. Jennings.
Getty Research Institute.

2010Visual Planning and the Picturesque.

By Nikolaus Pevsner. Edited by Mathew Aitchison.
Getty Research Institute.

2009Harry Smith: The Avant-Garde in the American Vernacular.

Edited by Andrew Perchuk and Rani Singh.
Getty Research Institute.

2009Art of the Defeat, France 1940-1944.

Laurence Bertrand Dorléac. Translation by Jane Marie Todd. Foreword by Serge Guilbaut.
Getty Research Institute.

2009The Fragment: An Incomplete History

Edited by William Tronzo.
Getty Research Institute.

2008Ephemeral Bodies: Wax Sculpture and the Human Figure.

Edited by Roberta Panzanelli, with a translation of Julius von Schlosser’s “History of Portraiture in Wax” and contributions by Whitney Davis, Georges Didi-Huberman, Sharon Hecker, Uta Kornmeier, Joan B. Landes, Lyle Massey, and Roberta Panzanelli.
Getty Research Institute.

2007China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century.

Edited by Marcia Reed and Paola Demattè.
Getty Research Institute.